How to Prevent Acne

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Ways to Prevent Acne Without Doctor Visits
or Expensive Medications

Acne TreatmentNo matter which acne treatment you decide is best for you, it is extremely important for you to have a healthy, clean skin care routine in order to attain maximum results. In this article, we will discuss the best things you can do to have a clean and healthy skin care routine.

Keep Your Skin Clean to Prevent Acne!

You may have heard this before, but the absolute number one thing you can do to help prevent acne is to keep your skin clean. Acne is an infection. Keeping the skin clean and free from most germs will lessen the chances of harmful bacteria entering your pores and developing into an acne breakout.

You should wash your face (or the affected area) at least 2-3 times every day with either mild soap or a dermatologist approved skin soap. Wash thoroughly and as often as you need to in order to keep the skin clean. Just remember not to actually scrub your skin. Gentle washing is good enough. There are a few different types of gentle cleansing soaps available over the counter, such as Dove Soap. You may also wish to try a soap containing Benzoyl Peroxide, such as Oxy-5 or one similar.

If you have long hair, or hair that covers the affected area, wash the hair at least daily and keep it off of or away from the affacted area. Your hair contains oils, dirt and grime which can all promote the formation of acne.

When shaving, try to use a fresh blade whenever possible. Again, acne is an infection and using the same shaving blade over and over can promote the spread of the infection. Also, take extra caution not to nick your pimples while you shave. If this has happened to you before, you know that it can be a bloody and painful mess...not to mention increasing the risk of extra infection and scarring.

Never pop, squeeze or pick at your pimples! The scars caused by this activity can last a lifetime. Picking at your pimples is a habit and MUST be stopped immediately to avoid this long-lasting scarring.

What Else can you do to Prevent Acne?

As you probably already know, there are dozens of over-the-counter acne treatments available today. It is best to use a cream that contains Benzoyl Peroxode. Benzoyl Peroxide works by initially drying the skin and clearing pores which reduces the amount of bacteria within them. It can be irritating to some peoples skin, so it is important to start off with the lowest strength and use as directed on the label. Once you know that the lower strength is not irritating your skin, you could try a stronger strength, if necessary. Some people find great results with a lower strength product. Never use more than a 5% strength without consulting a doctor.

Many people, these days, are looking toward food and nutrition to help prevent and control acne. They recommend eating plenty of yellow-orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, canteloupe and pumpkin while avoiding foods that are high in fat. This is believed to help promote the metabolism of beta-carotene while reducing the amount of oil and sebum produced by the body, resulting in natural skin protection from acne.

There are also recent studies showing that certain vitamins will also help to prevent acne. Vitamin A has been shown to reduce the amount of sebum and Keratin produced by the body. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, which protects the skin and fights infection. Vitamin B6 aids in the metabolism of hormones in the body. Chromium has been found to help the body break down glucose. All of these vitamins are helpful when taken in reasonable doses, however some, such as vitamin A can be harmful when taken in very large doses. Always consult your physician.

You should never attempt to medicate yourself (or anyone else, for that matter) based on the information provided in this article. Always consult a physician or qualified practitioner who is familiar with your personal health history.

For information about safe and inexpensive acne treatment, visit this Natural Acne Treatment website.

Safe and Natural Acne Treatment

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